Nico Garnier heeft ons van alles verteld over storytelling op het web en creative development.
Nicolas Garnier
sinds 2012
- einde flash, start JS voor alles + WebGL sinds 2018 freelancing
- agencies, product & start-ups
Creative Developer
- fancy term dev with eye for creativity
- uses all availabe tools
- website, apps, installations
- JS, CSS, WebGL, processing, Unity, GenAI, LLM, ..
At the core: code, design, motion & interaction
on the web!
- create anticipation and surprise
- support the narrative and set the mood
- engage the user
- solve a design or technical challenge
- think of animations and interactions as an extension to an original intent
- be open minded
- ask yourself what it brings and ask for feedback
- be ready to spend a lot of time on it